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Captain's Focus

  • 2017-02-23 Ristori Bay Head

    When Capt. Colin Page saw a fin pop out in the wake, he thought it might be a marlin before we identified a six-foot mako shark that had attacked a big Yo-Zuri flat-headed, high-speed plug. I'd never heard of a mako hitting a trolled plug, and especially one trolled at such a high speed


  • 2017-02-22 Ristori Bay Head

    The Canyon Runner 48 boated bluefin tuna of 85 and 75 inches last Thursday off Oregon Inlet N. C. during the early morning bite as Captains Deane Lambros and Ryan Britt were joined by Captains Jeff Worford and Adam Sherer along with Army active duty guest Jason Buscelli, who's stationed at Fort Drum, N. Y. Capt. Deane Lambros and Ryan Britt had out Capt. Jeff Warford and Capt. Adam Sherer on the 48' Canyon Runner along with active duty Army personal Jason Buselli who did two Afghanistan deveployme currently is stationed at Fort Drum, NY.
  • 2017-02-19 Ristori Bay Head

    Capt. Howard Bogan reported We had very good fishing for jumbo porgies on the Saturday offshore trip. The Ocean Explorer from Belmar had a nice day on the ocean Saturday with good bottom life to keep everyone working at it as two legal blackfish were hooked along with a few shorts, some cod and a jigged pollock.
  • 2017-02-16 Ristori Bay Head

    NOAA Fisheries issued a warning to New Jersey fishermen a few years ago warning them that they'd better learn how to fish for red drum as climate change would be sending southern species further to the north. There was no indication in the NOAA Fisheries prediction that the fisheries scientists there are aware that the Central Jersey Shore was the place to be for red drum anglers a century ago -- and that their reappearance would only be a return to the norm of a hundred years ago.
  • 2017-02-11 Ristori Bay Head

    The Ocean Explorer from Belmar experienced that today, despite it turning out to be a nice day at sea, there were hardly any bites where they had found a decent pick Wednesday. Just as last February, the Ocean Explorer will be following the blackfish offshore and to the south where they concluded the season with the largest tog to win the seasonal big pool.
  • 2017-02-10 Ristori Bay Head

    Stripers Forever, the free internet organization fighting for striped bass game fish status all along the Atlantic Coast, sent the following notice about their fundraising auction 2017 Annual Fundraiser Auction Alert NEWS ALERT From the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Interstate fishing managers are considering liberalizing rules for commercial and recreational fishing of striped bass along the East Coast. AUCTION ENDS Saturday, February 18, 2017 9PM EST STRIPERS FOREVER, A NON-PROFIT CONSERVATION ORGANIZATION, SEEKS GAME FISH STATUS FOR WILD STRIPED BASS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST IN ORDER TO SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE STRIPER MORTALITY, TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM AND SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC FISHING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ANGLERS, TO SECURE THE GREATEST SOCIO-ECONOMIC VALUE POSSIBLE FROM THE FISHERY AND TO ADVOCATE FOR THE CONSERVATION AND RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP OF WILD STRIPED BASS FROM MAINE TO NORTH CAROLINA.
  • 2017-02-09 Ristori Bay Head

    Joe Greco retired from his home in Edison 26 years ago to live in Ft. Myers, Florida, and has been satisfied with leaving the stripers and fluke behind for the much greater diversity of fishing in tropical waters. The Miami International Boat Show includes lots of fishing tackle, and draws many from N. J. during its run from Feb. 16 to 19 at the Miami Marine Stadium, Park Basin.
  • 2017-02-08 Ristori Bay Head

    The debate about how much protection striped bass require is bout to come up again, after the following was passed at the recent ASMFC meeting ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board Initiates Development of Draft Addendum V to Consider Liberalizing Management Measures Alexandra, VA - The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board initiated the development of Draft Addendum V to Amendment 6 to the Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP) to consider liberalizing coastwide commercial and recreational regulations. The Board's action responds to concerns raised by Chesapeake Bay jurisdictions regarding continued economic hardship endured by its stakeholders since the implementation of Addendum IV and information from the 2016 assessment update indicating fishing mortality is below the target.
  • 2017-02-07 Ristori Bay Head

    Adam La Rosa reports the 48-foot Canyon Runner boated big bluefin tuna on its first trip. La Rosa offers to take military out on those trips at no charge.

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